Sunday, 28 May 2017

My Engagement Ring is Missing: Please What do I do?

please I am worried about something that happened, my engagement ring is missing, I have never removed it before, I do that when I want to bath or wash clothes.

I visited my mans house, that is not the first time, but when I woke up after spending two nights, the ring is no more on my finger at all. Raised up the sheet, turned the house upside down, but did not find it. My guy just said to me, if I can not find it, I should relax that it is just a ring he bought 26k. The way he said it, I was like do you mean that ?

When I asked him for another ring, he told me the next one I will wear is his wedding ring. Since 4 months that ring disappeared, his calls reduced. I send him whatsapp, he does not reply.

He changed his house key without telling me. Visited his office, before he could see me in the name that he is busy.

After three abortions. I am so broken, is he no more interested in me or what? I go to his house, wash and clean for him. What do you advice I do? I am 34 years, he is 36 years .

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